Literatur zur MKH, Studienlage
- Abd-Manan, F., The effect of induced visual stress on three dimensional perception. Malays J Med Sci, 2000. 7(2): p. 18-26.
- Alhassan, M., J.K. Hovis, and R.B. Chou, Repeatability of Associated Phoria Tests. Optom Vis Sci, 2015. 92(8): p. 900-7.
- Alhassan M, H.J., Chou BR., Comparison of MKH-Haase associated phoria charts with other common clinical tests. Optom Vis Perf, 2016. 4 (5): p. 254-64.
- Benhaim-Sitbon, L., M. Lev, and U. Polat, Extended perceptive field revealed in humans with binocular fusion disorders. Scientific Reports, 2023. 13(1): p. 1-14.
- Brautaset, R.L. and J.A. Jennings, Associated phoria and the measuring and correcting methodology after H.-J. Haase (MKH). Strabismus, 2001. 9(3): p. 165-76.
- Ding, J., S.A. Klein, and D.M. Levi, Binocular combination of phase and contrast explained by a gain-control and gain-enhancement model. Journal of Vision, 2013. 13(2): p. 13-13.
- Gerling, J., et al., [Fixation disparity with the Pola pointing test: not representative for eye position under natural viewing conditions]. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd, 1998. 212(4): p. 226-33.
- Gerling, J., et al., [Can fixation disparity be detected reliably by measurement and correctional techniques according H.J. Haase (MKH)?]. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd, 2000. 216(6): p. 401-11.
- Gray, L.S., The prescribing of prisms in clinical practice. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 2008. 246(5): p. 627-9.
- Heinrich, N. and K. Neumann, Experimente zu den Hypothesen H.-J. Haase´s zur Fixationsdisparation, in Deutsche Optikerzeitung. 2004: Heidelberg. p. 10-12.
- Jainta, S. and J. Joss, Binocular advantages in reading revisited: attenuating effects of individual horizontal heterophoria. J Eye Mov Res, 2019. 12(4).
- Jaschinski, W., et al., Der Einfluss von Lernprozessen auf das Stereosehen bei gekreuzter und ungekreuzter Querdisparität, in Deutsche Optikerzeitung. 2005, DOZ Verlag: Heidelberg.
- Jaschinski, W. and V. Schroth, Ocular prevalence: difference between crossed and uncrossed disparities of stereo objects. Strabismus, 2008. 16(4): p. 159-64.
- Joss, J. and S. Jainta, Do standard optometric measures predict binocular coordination during reading? J Eye Mov Res, 2021. 13(6).
- Kommerell, G., et al., Heterophoria and fixation disparity: a review. Strabismus, 2000. 8(2): p. 127-34.
- Kommerell, G. and M. Kromeier, Prismenkorrektion bei Heterophorie. Der Ophthalmologe, 2002. 99(1): p. 3-9.
- Kommerell, G., et al., Ocular prevalence versus ocular dominance. Vision Res, 2003. 43(12): p. 1397-403.
- Kříž, P. and Š. Skorkovská, Distance associated heterophoria measured with polarized Cross test of MKH method and its relationship to refractive error and age. Clin Optom (Auckl), 2017. 9: p. 55-65.
- Kromeier, M., et al., Ocular prevalence and stereoacuity. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt, 2006. 26(1): p. 50-6.
- Kromeier, M. and G. Kommerell, [Feasibility of prismatic correction of microesotropia using the measuring and correcting methodology by H.-J. Haase]. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd, 2006. 223(1): p. 29-35.
- Kromeier, M., et al., [Do prisms according to Hans-Joachim Haase influence ocular prevalence?]. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd, 2002. 219(12): p. 851-7.
- Kromeier, M., et al., [Prism correction in vision disparity based on the "H. J. Haase measurement and correction methodology"]. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd, 2002. 219(12): p. 859-61.
- Kromeier, M., et al., Vergleich zwischen dissoziierter und assoziierter Heterophorie. Der Ophthalmologe, 2002. 99(7): p. 549-554.
- Kromeier, M., et al., [Do Prisms According to Hans-Joachim Haase Improve Stereoacuity?]. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 2002. 219(6).
- Kromeier, M., et al., Stereoacuity versus fixation disparity as indicators for vergence accuracy under prismatic stress. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt, 2003. 23(1): p. 43-9.
- Lam, A., et al., Crossed and Uncrossed Stereoacuity at Distance and the Effect From Heterophoria. Ophthalmic & physiological optics : the journal of the British College of Ophthalmic Opticians (Optometrists), 2002. 22(3).
- Lie I and Opheim A: Long-term acceptence of prisms by heterophorics, Journ. of AOA, 56(4): 272-278, 1985
- Methling, D. and W. Jaschinski, Contrast sensitivity after wearing prisms to correct for heterophoria. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt, 1996. 16(3): p. 211-5.
- Nabovati, P., et al., The effect of base-in prism on vision-related symptoms and clinical characteristics of young adults with convergence insufficiency; a placebo-controlled randomised clinical trial. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt, 2020.
- Niechwiej-Szwedo, E., L. Colpa, and A. Wong, The role of binocular vision in the control and development of visually guided upper limb movements. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2023. 378(1869): p. 20210461.
- Otto, J.M., et al., Do dissociated or associated phoria predict the comfortable prism? Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 2008. 246(5): p. 631-9.
- Pang, Y., B. Teitelbaum, and J. Krall, Factors associated with base-in prism treatment outcomes for convergence insufficiency in symptomatic presbyopes. Clinical & experimental optometry, 2012. 95(2).
- Pieh, C. and W.A. Lagrèze, Kritische Betrachtung alternativer Behandlungsmethoden bei Verdacht auf visuelle Beschwerden. Der Ophthalmologe, 2008. 105(3): p. 281-284.
- Saladin, J., Effects of heterophoria on stereopsis. Optometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry, 1995. 72(7).
- Schroth, V., Update zur Fixationsdisparität. Optometry & Contact Lenses, 2022. Vol. 2(Nr. 4): p. 120-126.
- Schroth, V. and W. Jaschinski, Assozierte Heterophorie und Vorn-hinten-Asymmetrie der Prävalenz eines Auges. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd, 2006. 223(03): p. 233-242.
- Schroth, V. and W. Jaschinski, Beeinflussen Prismen nach H.-J. Haase die Augenprävalenz? Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd, 2007. 224(01): p. 32-39.
- Schroth, V., et al., Short-term effects of aligning prisms on the objective and subjective fixation disparity in far distance., 2019. 12(4).
- Schroth, V., R. Joos, and W. Jaschinski, Effects of Prism Eyeglasses on Objective and Subjective Fixation Disparity. PLoS One, 2015. 10(10): p. e0138871.
- Tan, Q.Q., et al., Cataract surgery is not associated with post-operative binocular vision anomalies in age-related cataract patients. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt, 2022. 42(5): p. 998-1008.
- Teitelbaum, B., Y. Pang, and J. Krall, Effectiveness of base in prism for presbyopes with convergence insufficiency. Optom Vis Sci, 2009. 86(2): p. 153-6.
- Wu, H., et al., Balanced Eyes See Stereopsis More Quickly, but Not More Finely. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 2018. 59(1).