Information in English

Welcome to the Web-Site of the International Association for Binocular Vision (IVBS)!

What is the IVBS and what are its goals?  

The International Association for Binocular Vision (IVBS) is an association registered in Switzerland, in which members of different professional groups work together on an interdisciplinary basis towards the goal of achieving optimum vision. These include ophthalmologists, optometrists, ophthalmic opticians, orthoptists, speech therapists, school psychologists, teachers and others. 

Unimpaired binocular vision is an important prerequisite for optimum vision. As long ago as the mid-1950s, this awareness led Hans-Joachim Haase to think about new measuring techniques, making him a pioneer in the field of binocular fullcorrection. Today, the methodology developed in this context is known as MKH (Measuring and Correcting Methodology after H.-J. Haase). 

Over a period of more than 40 years, the success of MKH has shown that unimpaired binocular vision mostly can be achieved by prismatic fullcorrection of any existing associated phoria. It is therefore the declared goal of the IVBS to propagate the MKH and to incorporate new scientific knowledge in its ongoing enhancement. 

This goal is pursued not only by means of the annual congresses held by the IVBS, but also by various regional events which anyone interested is cordially invited to attend. 

The IVBS’s aim is to promote the uniform and correct application of the MKH. Therefore the 'Guidelines for the Application of the MCH' can be downloaded for free by clicking here as Adobe PDF-File. You can find some relevant articles by different authors here.

Here some more information you please feel free to download:

Associated heterophoria and prism glasses

Information for parents

Information for pedagogues

Information for therapists

